150 Prompts for Gratitude Journaling

150 Prompts for Gratitude Journaling
Photo by Debby Hudson / Unsplash

Gratitude journaling needs no introduction.

It's a growing half-journaling, half-meditative practice that improves sleep and mental well-being - and might even reduce your risk of depression.

The concept is simple: express thanks for something or someone in your life. This can be on pen and paper or in a digital journaling app like Reverie.

While there are countless things to be thankful for, it can be helpful to have a few prompts to guide your writing and reflection. That's why we've compiled 150 gratitude journaling prompts to help guide your gratitude journaling process. We've categorized them by theme to make it easy to guide your reflection.

  1. Personal Growth and Self-Reflection (25 Prompts)
  2. Relationships and Social Connections (25 prompts)
  3. Career and Professional Life (20 prompts)
  4. Health and Wellness (20 prompts)
  5. Material Possessions and Comforts (15 prompts)
  6. Nature and Environment (15 prompts)
  7. Opportunities and Experiences (15 prompts)
  8. Emotional Well-being and Mindset (15 prompts)

Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

  1. What personal quality are you most grateful for today?
  2. How has a past challenge helped you grow?
  3. What skill have you developed that you're thankful for?
  4. What mistake are you grateful for because of its lesson?
  5. Which of your habits are you most appreciative of?
  6. What aspect of your personality do you value most?
  7. How has your perspective changed positively in the last year?
  8. What personal achievement are you proud of today?
  9. Which of your strengths are you most thankful for?
  10. What self-care practice are you grateful for?
  11. How has self-awareness benefited you recently?
  12. What personal boundary are you glad you set?
  13. Which book or article are you grateful for reading?
  14. What new experience are you thankful for trying?
  15. How has patience with yourself paid off recently?
  16. What personal goal are you grateful for achieving?
  17. Which of your decisions are you most thankful for?
  18. What aspect of your emotional growth are you appreciating?
  19. How has your resilience helped you lately?
  20. What personal value are you grateful for upholding?
  21. Which of your creative outlets are you thankful for?
  22. How has your intuition guided you positively?
  23. What personal challenge are you grateful for overcoming?
  24. Which of your habits have you successfully changed?
  25. What aspect of your mental health journey are you appreciating?

Relationships and Social Connections

  1. Who made you smile today and why?
  2. What act of kindness from a stranger are you grateful for?
  3. Which family tradition are you thankful for?
  4. How has a friend supported you recently?
  5. What quality in your partner/spouse do you appreciate most?
  6. Which colleague are you grateful to work with?
  7. What childhood friendship are you thankful for?
  8. How has your community positively impacted you lately?
  9. What conversation are you grateful for having today?
  10. Which teacher or mentor are you thankful for?
  11. What family member are you especially appreciative of today?
  12. How has social media positively connected you with others?
  13. What act of forgiveness are you grateful for?
  14. Which new friendship are you thankful for forming?
  15. What aspect of your cultural heritage do you appreciate?
  16. How has a neighbor helped you recently?
  17. What quality in your children/parents are you grateful for?
  18. Which group or club are you thankful to be part of?
  19. What act of teamwork are you appreciative of?
  20. How has a difficult relationship taught you something valuable?
  21. What long-distance connection are you grateful for maintaining?
  22. Which family member's quirk do you secretly appreciate?
  23. What gesture of love are you thankful for receiving or giving?
  24. How has a pet enriched your life recently?
  25. What aspect of your social life are you most grateful for?

Career and Professional Life

  1. What aspect of your job are you most thankful for?
  2. How has a colleague supported your growth recently?
  3. What professional skill are you grateful for developing?
  4. Which work achievement are you proud of this week?
  5. What networking opportunity are you thankful for?
  6. How has your work-life balance improved lately?
  7. What aspect of your workspace do you appreciate?
  8. Which project are you grateful to be working on?
  9. What career advice are you thankful for receiving?
  10. How has a professional challenge helped you grow?
  11. What work resource are you grateful to have access to?
  12. Which client or customer interaction are you appreciative of?
  13. What aspect of your company culture do you value?
  14. How has your job security benefited you recently?
  15. What professional development opportunity are you thankful for?
  16. Which of your work contributions are you most proud of?
  17. What flexible work arrangement are you grateful for?
  18. How has a mentor guided you in your career lately?
  19. What industry change are you thankful for?
  20. Which of your professional relationships are you most appreciative of?

Health and Wellness

  1. What aspect of your physical health are you grateful for today?
  2. How has a healthy habit positively impacted you recently?
  3. What nutritious food are you thankful for enjoying?
  4. Which form of exercise are you appreciative of?
  5. What mental health practice are you grateful for?
  6. How has quality sleep benefited you lately?
  7. What medical treatment or professional are you thankful for?
  8. Which stress-relief technique are you grateful to know?
  9. What aspect of your body's functionality do you appreciate?
  10. How has nature contributed to your well-being recently?
  11. What healthy recipe are you thankful for discovering?
  12. Which wellness app or tool are you grateful for using?
  13. What physical challenge are you proud of overcoming?
  14. How has mindfulness improved your day?
  15. What aspect of your diet are you thankful for changing?
  16. Which relaxation method are you appreciative of?
  17. What health goal are you grateful for achieving?
  18. How has a health professional supported you lately?
  19. What natural remedy are you thankful for trying?
  20. Which wellness podcast or book are you grateful for?

Material Possessions and Comforts

  1. What item in your home are you most grateful for today?
  2. How has technology made your life easier recently?
  3. What piece of clothing are you thankful for owning?
  4. Which household appliance do you most appreciate?
  5. What mode of transportation are you grateful for?
  6. How has a recent purchase improved your daily life?
  7. What inherited item are you thankful to possess?
  8. Which comfort food are you appreciative of enjoying?
  9. What gift are you grateful for receiving?
  10. How has your living space positively impacted your mood?
  11. What tool or gadget are you thankful for using?
  12. Which book in your collection are you grateful to own?
  13. What aspect of your wardrobe do you appreciate most?
  14. How has a luxury item brought you joy recently?
  15. What childhood possession are you thankful for keeping?

Nature and Environment

  1. What natural beauty are you grateful for witnessing today?
  2. How has the weather positively affected your mood?
  3. What animal encounter are you thankful for experiencing?
  4. Which season are you most appreciative of right now?
  5. What aspect of your local environment do you value?
  6. How has spending time outdoors benefited you recently?
  7. What plant or flower are you grateful for seeing?
  8. Which natural sound are you thankful for hearing?
  9. What landscape are you appreciative of viewing?
  10. How has a garden or park enhanced your day?
  11. What natural phenomenon are you grateful for observing?
  12. Which ecosystem service are you thankful for?
  13. What aspect of the night sky do you appreciate?
  14. How has a body of water positively impacted you lately?
  15. What natural resource are you grateful for having access to?

Opportunities and Experiences

  1. What opportunity are you most grateful for today?
  2. How has a recent experience enriched your life?
  3. What travel memory are you thankful for?
  4. Which learning opportunity are you appreciative of?
  5. What cultural experience are you grateful for having?
  6. How has a chance encounter positively affected you?
  7. What adventure are you thankful for embarking on?
  8. Which life-changing moment are you grateful for?
  9. What second chance are you appreciative of receiving?
  10. How has a new perspective broadened your horizons?
  11. What workshop or seminar are you thankful for attending?
  12. Which performance or event are you grateful for witnessing?
  13. What volunteer experience are you appreciative of?
  14. How has a hobby enriched your life recently?
  15. What unexpected opportunity are you grateful for seizing?

Emotional Well-being and Mindset

  1. What emotion are you grateful for feeling today?
  2. How has a positive attitude benefited you recently?
  3. What source of inspiration are you thankful for?
  4. Which coping mechanism are you appreciative of developing?
  5. What aspect of your emotional intelligence do you value?
  6. How has optimism improved your outlook lately?
  7. What personal mantra are you grateful for adopting?
  8. Which mood-boosting activity are you thankful for?
  9. What emotional breakthrough are you appreciative of?
  10. How has self-compassion positively impacted you?
  11. What source of motivation are you grateful for finding?
  12. Which aspect of your spiritual life do you appreciate?
  13. What moment of peace are you thankful for experiencing?
  14. How has gratitude itself enhanced your well-being?
  15. What shift in perspective are you grateful for embracing?

We hope you found a prompt (or two!) that resonated with you, and helped you enjoy the wonderful practice that is gratitude journaling.

We're thankful for you!